Year: 2019 | Month: June | Volume 6 | Issue 1

Present Status and Future Prospects of Maize Cultivation in South Odisha

Sagar Maitra* Tanmoy Shankar Pilli Manasa and Masina Sairam


Maize is considered as a unique cereal crop for its diversified use and suitability under various cropping systems. In India it is the third largest cereal crop in terms of acreage. In the country, more than three-fourths of the area to maize production is contributed by eight states, namely, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The country produces 21.81 million tonnes of maize from 8.69 m ha of area with a productivity of 2509 kg/ha. The composite high yielding varieties (HYVs) and hybrids are having more production potential than national average. The crop is produced under various climatic conditions, land situations and cropping systems. Though Odisha is not a traditional maize growing state of the country, during recent times the cereal cultivation has been caught up. In Odisha maize is mainly produced during kharif season in southern districts which fulfill the need of agro-based industries of the state and even neighboring states. The productivity of maize in Odisha (2785 kg/ha) is more than the national average but no doubt it’s less than the potential yield of high yielding varieties (HYVs) and hybrids. In this article, the present situation of maize cultivation in India vis-à-vis Odisha and more particularly in south Odisha has been investigated and the limitations, technological recommendations and future scope of study have been narrated for production sustainability and livelihood security of the farmers which may be helpful to the researchers and policy makers

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